• REcompute Services

    REcompute provides additional services to help you on your digital journey.

    The three main services are:

    • Developing your website and internet presence
    • Helping you install and use Linux
    • General computer assistance.

    Website and Social Media Development

    With a proven track record of developing and working for corporate, non-profit and personal websites over 25 years, from digital "shingles" to full-blown ecommerce websites, we can advise on your website and social media needs and quote you for developing a digital presence that will meet your goals, using the platforms and technologies best suited to your requirements.

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    Linux for You

    REcompute can help you install Linux on your computer.

    We can advise on the best version (or 'distro') of Linux, depending on your computing needs and the type and age of the computer you possess.

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    Computing Assistance

    Whether you use Windows, macOS, or Linux, we can advise and assist on questions you have about hardware, software, purchasing a computer, which operating system is best for you, and all matters digital.

    Contact Us

    You are assured of a prompt reply.

    Image of laptops